Welcome to Bread Street Ward Club
Founded in the 16th Century, the Bread Street Ward Club was originally a forum in which Bakers, merchants, traders and other residents of the Ward were able to express their views to the Aldermen and Councilmen responsible for the governance of the City of London. The eminent poets John Donne (1572-1631) and John Milton (1608-1674) were both born in the Ward.
In modern times the Club has developed into more of a social entity, promoting
community service and good fellowship of all those interested in the conduct, traditions and institutions of the City in its broadest context.
Membership is open to anyone wishing to discover and enjoy the many varied aspects of the City's history and forms of operation. We invite you to peruse our Web Site for a better appreciation of our attractions, and whether you would like to join us.

President | Alderman Sir William Russell |
Chairman | Ms.Zoe Scott |
Vice Chairman | Mr.Shan Islam |
Hon.Secretary | Miss Mel Peters |
Treasurer | Ms Zoe Scott |
Immediate Past Chairman | Ms.Sanita Kissore |